[php] كود معرفة عدد زوار الصفحة

Database Name:    active_sessions

 ip        session        date
NULL    |   NO   |    YES    |   YES   |
DEFAULT |        |    NULL   |   NULL  |

include"db.php"; # Connect To the database
$active_sessions = 0;
$minutes = 5; # period considered active
if($sid = session_id()) # if there is an active session
# DB connect here
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; # Get Users IP address
# Delete users from the table if time is greater than $minutes
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `active_sessions` WHERE
`date` < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL $minutes MINUTE)")or die(mysql_error());

# Check to see if the current ip is in the table
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM active_sessions WHERE ip='$ip'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
# If the ip isn't in the table add it.
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `active_sessions` (`ip`, `session`, `date`)
VALUES ('$ip', '$sid', NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `date` = NOW()")or die(mysql_error());
# Get all the session in the table
$sessions = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `active_sessions`')or die(mysql_error());
# Add up all the rows returned
$active_sessions = mysql_num_rows($sessions);
# Print the final result
echo'<b>Online Now: </b>'.$active_sessions;
